it is essential that a furniture maker or a woodworker know how to find the center of any board. Watch this video tutorial to learn a simple way to find the center of any board. To do this, you will ...

Do you want to learn how to build cabinets? Watch this five-part video tutorial for the basics of cabinet making using wood. Part one demonstrates the basics of making cabinet boxes from sheet goods ...

Are you into carpentry, furniture or woodworking? Watch this video tutorial to learn a simple technique on how to veneer using yellow glue and a household iron when making cabinets and other similar ...

Wooden cabinets do not look finished without some staining. Watch this video tutorial to learn a technique for wiping stain on edge banding. This video is a must-watch for carpentry, furniture and ...

Putting up a one of these new modern floating shelves is seen as an important test of your do-it-yourself prowess. Watch this video tutorial to learn how to put up a floating shelf.You'll need: * ...

A homemade toolbox project is a great DIY way of organizing your garden tools. This how to video shows you how to construct your very own toolbox with very few products. ...

You've made wonderful furniture, but what are you going to do with all the leftover piece of wood? Watch this how to video to learn how to use waste wood material to create a your own outdoor garden b ...

Lay a wooden floor, even if it's just to lay on it. Get tips from this instructional video, even if you just like how-tos and never use them. ...

Spruce up the look of a room by repainting drab looking wood furniture. This how to video teaches you how a simple paint kit can breathe new life into an old piece of furniture.Related Links: http://r ...